Buying a gift voucher:

Gift vouchers can be picked up from the studio or you can give the studio a call on 0191 908 7802 and we can post your voucher out for an extra £1.40.

Deciding how much to spend:

First things first, it’s time to decide if you’d like a voucher for a specific making experience, or a numerical value if you’d like more flexibility. We advise reading the painting / making pages so you have a good idea of what we offer.

However, if you are pushed for time, a great pottery making package is the Taster Throwing lesson which is £38pp, and when pottery painting most people spend £17-25 although we do have bigger and smaller pieces to choose from.

Please read before purchasing:

  • Gift vouchers are non-refundable under any circumstances.

  • Gift vouchers are valid for 12 months. Throwing lessons are often fully booked 3-4 months in advance, make sure to book the session before the voucher expires. The taster throwing lesson can be for a date after the voucher has expired. See our terms and conditions for full details.

  • Vouchers for making can be used for the equivalent value of painting and vice versa (excluding replacement vouchers for kiln damaged pottery - these can be used for painting only). If you do not spend the full value of your voucher, providing it has not expired, the remainder will be held on the voucher for your next session.

  • Please keep tight a hold of the voucher as you’ll need to bring it with you. If you think there is chance you might lose it, take a picture of it on your phone just in case. If you gift someone a voucher, we advise asking them if they’ve used it after a couple of months so they get to make the most of the wonderful gift you’ve given them.